As we seek to become more like Christ, we are opposed by the difficulties of change and the challenging realities of life. We all need a community around us. If you already have one, let's bring a spiritual shape and support to that. If you don't, look below for new opportunities to find the support you need to live a life like Jesus.
Community Groups
How is a KC group different than other church small groups?
KC’s are all about mission. The people meeting together in a KC aren’t meeting primarily for Bible study, close fellowship, and prayer. Those things are vital, but for a KC they serve the purpose of equipping the members of the group for the forward advancement of the Kingdom of God. This will, of course, work out in unique ways for each KC. Some groups gather around a shared vocation—for instance, one group is forming because all its members are educators who have the desire to work out the unique intricacies of living and sharing the Good News of Jesus in that environment. Other groups are gathered around a more specific mission—like the KC that is forming to establish a low-income preschool, or the ones that will support and equip neighborhood missionaries in Lodi’s Heritage District.
Can I just come to the larger KC gathering without joining a Kingdom community group?
Of course! The big gathering is there in part as a way for new people to connect. At the same time, we believe that the real action of the church is found when it is on mission. We hope the big gathering will inspire you, set a fire under you, and launch you. We hope you will quickly find and connect to a KC group, or even form a new one. As one of our core leaders recently said, "We exist to tell people they have permission to do great things!"
KC Groups
- Wednesday Nights 6:30-8:30One-Eighty Teen CenterA space where teens from the Teen Center & Kingdom Community gather to discuss real-life questions over a family meal!
- Multiple Dates
- Multiple Dates